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Music CD's

Mixing Realities CD
Mixing Realities:
Music for Those Who Want Peace of Mind,
but Want Body and Soul to Dance!

There exists a vast universe where every sound created is a star. These sounds tend to flash into existence, burn brightly for only moments and then lose their luster in the vase expanding universe of music. Stardancer sails this galaxy collecting these glimmering gems and with loving care restores their beauty by seamlessly weaving them into rhythmic tapestries, with virtually created yarn, in ways that once again return their Light.

Mixing Realities named in top 20 albums of the year!Musical Starstreams named Mixing Realities one of the Top 20 Albums of the Year for 2009
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  1. Reel to Real (6:11)

  2. Mixing Realities (5:19)

  1. Valley of Light (5:19)

  2. Ophiluchus Aligning (7:14)

  3. Coming Storm (7:22)

  4. Substance (6:33)

  5. Haunted Ruins (6:02)

  6. In Your Phase (6:23)

  7. Cherub's Call (6:05)

  8. Party Thruda Storm (7:00)

StarDancer's Music is now available at
Sold at CDBaby Sold at Amazon Sold at Rhapsody Sold at Napster Sold at Itunes

Akashic Traveler CD

Akashic Traveler
is the debut album of Bill Gillespie,
the artist known as Stardancer.

Since 1998 he has been a fan of electronic music. Four years ago he decided to learn this art form. One of his favorite artists is Zero One, and through the miracle of the internet they became friends. With the patient help of his friend new vistas in electronic creativity were opened to him.

The Akashic Traveler's Story and Sample of Tracks
Sometimes the ordinary can become extraordinary. So it is with the Akashic Traveler, returning from across the River Styx (01:04), he was given the ability to surf the Akashic Record, the record of all events in all of time, past present and future!

The part of him that was the Akashic Record spoke to his spirit calling him Stardancer. He was told that in his current life he has been a Sleepwalker (6:49). Stardancer awoke and his heart was filled with the Wonder (6:47), of all things from the past to the future. Thus began the journey of the Akashic Traveler!

Stardancer quickly learned that in the Akashic realm one can become easily lost because all time is the same time which creates a Time Labyrinth (6:21). The only way he could travel was to understand and believe that time is meaningless! Once he understood that control of his thinking was the Forgotten Key, Stardancer was granted Safe Passage (7:03) between all existing realities!

His nomad spirit transported him into a past life as a wandering desert nomad crossing a vast uncharted desert. As night approached, tents were hurriedly pitched, camels secured and the caravan settled in to await the coming storm.


As the great Sirocco (7:40) howled outside their tent, he and his companions played their instruments and chanted, showing no fear as nature raged all around them. As the storm ebbed Stardancer could sense the pull of yet another time and place.

The Akashic calling let him know that he was Needed Elsewhere (6:25) to witness a possible future!

Stardancer was immediately whisked into a future where without a Digital Identity (6:19) one could not prove that they existed. The conflict of mankind had grown so bizarre that Bio terrorism made all water so toxic that teatime was now Bio-TeaTime (5:29)!

Stardancer could hear humanity crying out for A Peace of Tomorrow (6:57)!

As unsettling as these visions were, Stardancer witnessed a startling transformation, a world of peace, a Promised Land (7:57). Close your eyes and become the Akashic Traveler!



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